Looking for somewhere to get your work done in Barcelona? Here we give you some of the best places to be productive in this bustling city.
One Day in Barcelona: What to do?
So much to do, so little time… If you follow this guide, you’ll hit many of Barcelona’s most iconic sites. Chances are you’ll be itching to come back!
Barcelona’s Arqueoticket: a journey from past to present
For a greater understanding and appreciation of the history that has shaped Barcelona into the metropolis it is today, the Arqueoticket is the way to go.
Barcelona below the surface: a guide to the city’s abandoned stations and shelters
The winding maze of underground tunnels that make up Barcelona’s metro stations hold more than meet the eye… Check out what’s hidden beneath your feet…
How to Experience the Real Barcelona: An Interview with Marta Rubio
An interview with Marta Rubio, a Barcelona-native travel blogger with plenty of tips and tricks on how to experience the real Barcelona.
Barcelona’s Palo Alto Market 2017: 100% Made in BCN
Delicious street food, amazing live music, hand-crafted clothes and trinkets, art 100% made in BCN… There’s no better way to immerse yourself in Barcelona culture than this awesome market. Find out what to expect…
Barcelona’s Best Street Food Options
Barcelona embraces the street food culture and reproduces amazing culinary creations. Tacos, sandwiches, arepas, burgers, falafel… Barcelona has it all!
Barcelona’s Best Live Music Venues
Jazz, electro, rock, blues and more. You name it, Barcelona’s got it! Check out where you can enjoy the best live music performances in the city!