
How to Get Your TIE Card in Barcelona

How to Get Your TIE Card in Barcelona

Each year, an increasing number of individuals choose to move to Barcelona, whether it be for educational pursuits, employment opportunities, or simply to immerse themselves in a new city and its remarkable culture. For those that are lucky enough to make the move, there are numerous essential procedures to complete for legal residency in Barcelona, with obtaining a TIE card being one of them. 

We aim to make your transition to Barcelona as smooth as possible, so this blog will guide you through everything you need to know about the TIE.

What is a TIE?

Barcelona TIE CardThe TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero) is a foreign ID card that proves that you are legally authorised to live in Spain. The card contains personal data, such as your name, date of birth, nationality, NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero), and photograph.

Who Needs to Apply for a TIE?

It is a legal requirement for all non-EU nationals intending to live in Spain for more than 6 months to obtain the TIE. Additionally, foreign nationals with a long-term residence permit must also apply for a TIE.

How do I book an Appointment?

To request a TIE appointment, visit the government website and follow these steps:

  1.  TIE Card ProcessClick on ‘Selecciona Provincia,’ find Barcelona, and then press ‘Aceptar.’
  2.  Leave ‘Selecciona Oficina’ as ‘Cualquier oficina,’ and under ‘Trámites Cuerpo Nacional de Policía,’ select ‘Policía-Toma de Huellas (Expedición de Tarjeta) y Renovación de Tarjeta de Larga Duración.’ Once completed, press ‘Aceptar.’
  3. The page will display a list of documents required for your appointment. To proceed, press ‘Entrar.’
  4. Enter your personal details, including NIE, full name, and nationality. After correctly entering all information, select ‘Aceptar.’
  5. Choose your appointment at a police station in Barcelona. After selection, follow the instructions to receive confirmation and print the page for your appointment.

The process of booking a TIE appointment is relatively simple; however, due to the vast number of foreign nationals relocating to Barcelona, TIE appointments are limited. You may need to retry the process multiple times a day before securing an appointment.

What Documents do I Need?

  • TIE documentsConfirmation of your appointment
  • The EX-17 Form, completed and signed. Bring the original and a copy.
  • Valid Passport
  • Proof of payment for the Tax Model 790/012. You must fill in and print the tax form, pay for the tax either at a bank or a cash machine that has a QR scanner, and then keep the receipt so that you can prove that you have definitely paid the fee.
  • A passport size, recent photograph
  • Two copies of the Empadronamiento Certificate
  • University enrollment letter or employment contract

How Much Does It Cost?

Barcelona ResidencyThe only expense associated with the TIE is the Tax Model 790/012. For non-EU nationals staying in Barcelona for over 6 months, the cost is 16.08€, and for those with a long-term residence permit, it is 21.87€.

What Next?

The appointment itself is really simple and quick – all the documents will be verified by the staff and your fingerprint will also be taken. At the end of the appointment, you will receive a document indicating when and where to collect your physical TIE card. You may have to wait up to 45 days before collecting your actual card.

TIE Collection

TIE CardTo collect your TIE, you are required to book another appointment on the government website. It is crucial to make sure that the date of the appointment is after the specified period on the document from your first appointment. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on ‘Selecciona Provincia’, find Barcelona, and press ‘Aceptar’.
  2. Select the same police address as the one given to you at the end of your previous appointment. Under ‘Trámites Cuerpo Nacional de Policía,’ choose ‘Policía – Recogida de Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (TIE).’ Then press ‘Aceptar.’
  3. This page will now state the documents to bring to the appointment (valid Passport and confirmation of appointment).
  4. Enter the same personal details used for booking the initial appointment (your NIE and full name).
  5. Choose an appointment at the same address as given at the end of your first appointment.

On the whole, obtaining your TIE is a relatively straightforward process. Book an initial appointment, present your documents, wait for the card to be processed, and then book an appointment to collect your TIE. With your TIE card, you are legally authorised to live in Barcelona and can thoroughly enjoy the city!