Travel to Barcelona: Sustainable destination for summer holidays in 2022
Spain as the perfect travel location
Northern Europe chooses Spain as its most desirable destination for holidaymakers, with the main source markets being Dutch, English and Germans. Spanish travellers will also continue to choose national destinations this summer, with reservations for Spain accounting to 86% of the total made so far.
There has been a noticeable increase in reservations across Spain. Accommodation reservation rates alone have risen by 28% by both Spanish and foreign guests. There has been a 34% increase in reservations by Belgian travellers, 30% more French and up to 110% German.
Throughout 2022, there has also been an increase in tourists from other nationalities, like Norwegians and Danes. Visible in relation to the recovery of Covid-19 and its implications, society seems to have much more confidence in travelling abroad in the coming year.
Travelling to Spain for summer 2022
The trend for the coming summer is that those from Northern Europe have a preference for Spain. The months of July and August in 2022, will see increased home reservations from the British at +115%. Home reservations by Germans have increased by +66%, +45% by Belgians, and +28% by French. Domestic tourism reservations in general rose by an incredible 90%.
Trends in holiday booking to Spain: Sun and the beach in Barcelona
Trends in booking destinations by Europeans seem to consist of places by the coast. It is no surprise that people from England, the Netherlands, Germany and France fancy soaking up the sun at the beach. Although diversified, the majority of reservations do seem to be predominantly beach destinations.
If you know Barcelona, although it is of course an incredible destination for delicious food, unique gardens and marvellous architecture, it also has the most incredible beaches. The seaside in Barcelona is the perfect place to relax, to soak up the sun, to make the most of the golden sand and to admire the dazzling deep waters.
If you don’t know Barcelona, it is somewhere you must see for yourself. To walk down its streets, to meet its locals, to relax and learn about the little things in the city.
Book sustainable accommodation in Barcelona
When booking accommodation, it is essential you are abiding by sustainable tourism. At AB Apartment Barcelona, we stand at the forefront of sustainable tourism within the tourist apartment market. AB have now received three of the most important and recognised sustainable tourism certifications.
The future of the tourism sector is dependent on sustainable tourism. It is essential that we respect and preserve our city, Barcelona, the environment and the coexistence between tourists and locals as much as we can.
Sustainability at AB Apartment Barcelona
Not only are we an expert company in rentals of tourist and long-term apartments, with over 15 years of experience, we also follow a day to day sustainable management model. As a company, we now have the Safe Travels Certification, the Barcelona Biosphere Certification and the WeRespect Macro Seal.
Whether you’re looking for a short term stay, or a long term stay, with over 500 apartments we will have you covered. Whilst ensuring the comfortability of our clients, we also make certain that the rest of our neighbours are protected and that coexistence between tourists and locals is facilitated.
What do our certifications really mean
Safe Travels Certification: Safer stays than ever
Defined by experts, AB Apartment Barcelona complies with the sanctuary, health and safety protocols for tourism companies. The Safe Travels Seal in particular certifies that AB Apartment Barcelona have adapted all their activity to comply with the measures established by the World Travel and Tourism Council, endorsed by the World Tourism Organisation.
Barcelona Biosphere Certification: The future of sustainable tourism
This certification ensures that AB Apartment Barcelona follows a non- aggressive tourism model, and works to raise awareness among its guests, staff and collaborators in terms of sustainability. AB has implemented measures to reduce its emissions, to save resources, minimise its environmental impact, and raise awareness about the preservation of natural space.
AB are actively working to improve and make the world greener, more natural and more sustainable.
The WeRespect Macro Seal: Commitment to neighbourhood coexistence and the impact of tourism in Barcelona.
The WeRespect Macro Seal signifies the commitment of AB Apartment Barcelona to the coexistence and impact of tourism in the city of Barcelona. This means that we strive to ensure the rest of the neighbours are unaffected by tourism, and that harmony is facilitated between the neighbours and tourists.
This seal is significant to those who would like to travel in hand with the values we have at AB Apartment Barcelona; environmental awareness and a respectful attitude towards our premises and those locals in Barcelona.
Check out more about how we respect sustainable tourism in Barcelona!