
Best Outdoor swimming pools in Barcelona to stay cool

Best Outdoor swimming pools in Barcelona to stay cool

Park Creueta del Coll

Found in the neighbourhood of Gràcia, we find the Park Creueta del Coll and its outdoor swimming pool. It opened in 1976 and was once a quarry that was set to be made into apartments. Luckily for us, the plans were changed for a public park with a bathing area, making this now the place to relax in the sun, enjoying the vibe and other activities available here. There are ping-pong tables and playgrounds for kids to enjoy themselves. This outdoor swimming pool in Barcelona makes for the perfect spot to socialise with locals and meet new people on your holiday in Barcelona.

A second thing to look out for at this park, is the large concrete sculpture that is the focal point of the space. Designed by Eduardo Chillida, making it one of the most recognisable parks in the city. So come here and enjoy your outdoor swimming pool in Barcelona here, at the Creueta del Coll– bring a picnic for the ideal day out!Park Creueta del Coll

Parc del Fòrum

Our second outdoor pool for you to explore in Barcelona is the bathing part of Parc del Fòrum, which is a great place to escape from the Barcelona heat in a more relaxed area than at one of the beaches. It is important to note that, rather than fresh water, the pool here uses sea water from the Mediterranean, giving you the feeling like you’re in the sea without the hassle of the beach! This is easily one of the most stylish bathing areas in the city, being constructed initially for the Universal Forum of Cultures, it is now enjoyed free of charge by all! Like all the pools here, there are lifeguards and public facilities to use, meaning you can spend a full day at any of those on the list and have a great time in the process. There is also a wave machine that you can use to practice your surfing technique, in a fun and safe way!Fòrum Bathing Area – Parc del Fòrum

Centre Esportiu Municipal Piscina de Salts de Montjuïc (CEM) – Montjuïc

Whether this is your first time in Barcelona or you are a seasoned traveller you will have likely heard about the magic and fantasy of Montjuïc. With museums, fountain light shows and much more, it is commonly thought that Montjuïc is Barcelona’s most diverse attraction, where locals and tourists come together in awe of the architecture and activities on show here. One hidden fact about this part of the city is that it’s home to Barcelona’s best outdoor swimming pools, known as the Piscina Municipal de Montjuïc.

Opening the pool back in 1929, the pool at Montjuïc has been renovated several times in order to host various water sport competitions and adapt with the trends and requirements of the people. The pool should be recognisable by anyone who followed the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, but you don’t have to be an athlete or gold medalist to enjoy this pool as it is open to the public during the summer months. Once here, you can enjoy the Barcelona sunshine on the poolside, and if you’re feeling brave try jumping off the diving board! We must also remind you to take a moment to simply admire the panoramic view of the city!Centre Esportiu Municipal Piscina de Salts de Montjuïc (CEM) – Montjuïc

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