
Useful Spanish Phrases for Your Stay in Barcelona

Useful Spanish Phrases for Your Stay in Barcelona

Last updated: November 2017

Barcelona has made a name for itself as one of the most exciting cities in Europe with its vibrant Catalan culture and cool cosmopolitan style bringing visitors back time and time again. Whether you’re heading to the city for the first time, or you’re an expert on the works of Gaudí, there’s certainly no better way to fully immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Barcelona than by trying your hand at the lingo, or should we say, the ‘lingos’! This wonderful part of Spain has two official languages, Catalan and Spanish. Although most people speak Catalan, a good place to start off is with a bit of Spanish, so we’ve put together some useful phrases to try out during your stay. And as the one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, they’re sure to come in handy for future trips too! ¡Buen viaje!


Keep Calm and Speak Spanish

Get the Ball Rolling!

So, to start off you’ll be needing a few classic phrases…


Hola – Hello

Buenos días – Good morning

Buenas tardes – Good afternoon

Buenas noches – Good evening/night

Adiós – Good-bye

Hasta luego – See you later

Hasta mañana – See you tomorrow

Por favor – Please

Muchas gracias – Thank you



Now that you’ve got the basics, test out your skills with some polite conversation…

Hola Amigos

¿Qué tal?/¿Cómo estás? – How are you?

Bien, ¿y tú? – Well, and you?

¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name?

¿De dónde eres? – Where are you from?

¿Hablas inglés? – Do you speak English?

No entiendo – I don’t understand

¡Me gusta Barcelona! – I like Barcelona!



Time to Dine!

Whether you’re nibbling on some delicious tapas or tucking in to an amazing paella by the sea, these handy phrases will ensure you won’t go hungry in Barcelona…


Una mesa para dos, por favor – A table for two please

La carta – The menu

Menú del día – Daily set menu

Bebidas – Drinks

Primero – Starter

Segundo – Main courses

Postre – Dessert

Desayuno – Breakfast

Almuerzo – Lunch

Cena – Dinner

Un agua – A water

Una cerveza – A beer

Un vaso de vino (tinto/blanco/rosado) – A glass of (red/white/rosé) wine
Soy vegetariano – I’m vegetarian
Solo como productos sin gluten – I can only eat gluten free products


Tenedor – Fork

Cuchillo – Knife

Cuchara – Spoon

Pan – Bread

¿Que aconsejas? – What do you recommend?

La cuenta, por favor – The bill, please.


How About Some Barcelona Retail Therapy?

Barcelona is well known for its amazing shopping! From the snazzy stores of elegant Paseo de Gracia to the quirky boutiques of the Gothic Quarter and El Born, you’re sure to bag yourself some goodies here. Here are a few phrases to help you along your way…


¿Cuánto cuesta? – How much is it?

¿Aceptan las tarjetas de crédito? – Do you accept credit cards?

¿Dónde está el probador? – Where is the changing room?

¿Tienes…? – Do you have…?

Me gustaría… – I would like…

Pequeño – Small

Medio – Medium

Grande – Large

Tienen más colores? – Do you have other colors?

¡Necesito comprar más crema solar! – I need to buy more sun tan lotion!


Getting To and Fro!

 With so much to see and do in Barcelona, these phrases will be useful when exploring the city…


Perdona/Disculpa – Excuse me…

¿Me puedes auydar por favor? – Can you help me please?

Estoy perdido – I’m lost

¿Dónde está…? – Where is…?

¿De dónde sale el Aerobús? – From where does the airport bus leave?

Busco la estación de tren/metro –  I’m looking for the train/metro station

Necesito un taxi  I need a taxi

Sigue todo recto – Go straight on

Derecha – Right

Izquierda – Left

¿Cuánto cuesta un billete para ___? – How much does a ticket to ___ cost?

Un billete para ___, por favor – A ticket to ___ please.

Entrada – Entrance

Salida – Exit

Abierto – Open

Cerrado – Closed

¿Dónde puedo cambiar divisas? – Where can I exchange currency?

Quiere visitar los monumentos de Gaudí – I want to visit Gaudí’s monuments

¿Dónde puedo encontrar un buen restaurante? – Where can I find a good restaurant?

¿Dónde puedo comprar el mejor helado de Barcelona? – Where can I buy the best ice cream in Barcelona?

¡He alquilado un apartamento estupendo con Apartment Barcelona! – I have rented a fantastic apartment with Apartment Barcelona!


Feeling adventurous?

Why not try your hand at a bit of Catalan too?


Catalan FlagBon dia! – Good morning!

Si us plau – Please

Gràcies/Merci – Thank you






So what are you waiting for? With these handy phrases you’ll be blending in with the locals in no time!


Looking for a place to stay in Barcelona? Why not rent an apartment with Apartment Barcelona. With over 900 apartments for rent across the city, you’re guaranteed to find something to suit your taste and budget! Book yours today…

Apartments for rent Barcelona





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