Tips for saving energy in your home in Barcelona
Did you know that it is possible to reduce the amount of your electricity bills thanks to a few changes in your home? In this article, we will explain to you how to save energy at home and which is the tariff best suited to you.
What is the electricity rate with time discrimination?
Despite the incredible drop in electricity prices during the months of confinement due to the coronavirus pandemic, the truth is that Spanish people pay one of the most expensive bills in all of Europe, to be specific, the third most expensive after Ireland and Belgium, since the cost of electricity has risen more than 70% in recent years.
That is why consumers are increasingly aware of energy savings, to try to reduce the high cost of their bills. However, we can save on electricity by changing our fixed price rate to a rate with time discrimination. The modality with time discrimination establishes two or three prices for electricity during the same day, setting a cheaper cost per kilowatt hour (kWh) that is cheaper during the night and in the morning. In this way we achieve significant savings if we concentrate our consumption during this period.
On the other hand, experts also recommend using an energy omparison before hiring a rate as this way we can know if, for our apartment in Barcelona, it is better for us to hire the rates of Endesa, Holaluz, Podo, Repsol or any of the many providers that exist. Once we are clear about the rate we want, we just have to call the customer service team or go to their offices, of which many are located in Barcelona and other cities.
How to save energy in your home?
Thanks to energy savings we can significantly reduce our energy bills. Here we are going to explain how to do it without missing out on any bit of well-being:
· If you have not already done so, change all the bulbs in your house for led lighting. This way you will save more than 70% in lighting energy expenditure compared to incandescent bulbs.
· Take advantage of natural light by putting up translucent curtains that let in the sun’s rays. You should also avoid cluttering up your furniture rooms and painting the walls white so that natural lighting is better reflected throughout the property.
· Use a thermostat to centrally control the temperature of the heating and air conditioning. In winter the temperature should not rise above 21ºC, while in summer it should not drop below 24ºC.
· Change having a bath for a shower since it will save you many litres of water.
· Install flow reducers on the faucets so that in addition to reducing water waste, you can spend less electricity having to heat it.
· Replace the windows with others with double glazing, PVC frame and low thermal emissivity glass.
In this way reducing temperature leaks, which cause you to have to spend more energy on air conditioning to maintain the desired environment.
Saving energy will not only allow you to spend less money per month, but it will also reduce your carbon footprint on the planet and you can contribute your grain of sand in the fight against global warming. We invite you to read this article if you want to learn to be more eco-friendly in your day to day.