
Which electricity provider should you choose for your home in Barcelona?

Which electricity provider should you choose for your home in Barcelona?

You can save so much money every month by changing the electricity provider and tariff for your property. In this article, we share our tips with you on how to find the best price while renting your house.


How to find the best price for electricity?


2021 didn’t get off to the best start, during the first week of January under the cold spell of Filomena, the price per kWh (kilowatt per hour) raised by 27% in comparison to the same time last year. As a result, the average bill for a consumer with a contracted power of 4.4 kW went from 67.67 euros to 80.73 euros per month. The experts at told us that the main causes for these increases were a greater demand for electricity due to the cold weather, a lower contribution from renewable energies and the higher cost of natural gas and its increased demand in the energy mix, among other factors. As a consequence, there has been a lot of controversy over the problem that many owners now have to face an increasingly expensive electricity rate.

According to a report by the CNMC (National Market and Competition Commission), there’s a difference of over 200 euros between the cheapest and most expensive electricity rates. However, during 2020, only 7% of consumers changed their electricity provider, in order to save themselves some money. If we constantly change our mobile provider, why not do the same for electricity? Thanks to, a price comparison website, we can compare between the rates of Holaluz, Iberdrola, Podo and Endesa en Barcelona.

The tool works as such: it takes the information about the prices of Repsol, Endesa, Naturgy or any companies in Barcelona, and then shows us a list of the cheapest prices. It’s that simple! Also, remember that all the companies that operate in Barcelona, whether it be EDP, Gesternova, Endesa or Aldro Energy, have a free telephone number that you can ring for information without needing to commit to anything.


 Which is the ideal tariff for your rental home?


Many people don’t know that there are several types of electricity rates, since no two houses use the exact same amount at the same times, particularly in rental houses. That is why the experts at have shared this information with us on the matter:


  • Fixed price electricity rate: this is a rate that sets a single fixed price per kWh, so it doesn’t matter at what time the energy is consumed, the price will always remain the same. This rate is ideal for those who can be at home at any time of the day, or for those that that work remotely from home.
  • Time of use tariffs: this electricity rate sets two or three prices for electricity during the same day, dividing the hours into time bands called peak hours and off-peak hours. Off-peak hours are cheaper, while the peak hours have a higher price. This rate is best for those who mainly use their electricity during the early hours of the morning, or during the night.


If you’re going to rent your house to someone who is going to be out of the house all day due to their job or routine, and they’ll carry out the majority of their energy consumption during the morning and night, the best thing to do is to hire a time of use tariff. Did you find these tips useful? Check out our other article about the new electricity rates that will be applied during 2021 so that you can find out more.


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