
Dining Differently in Barcelona: Top 5 Unusual Restaurants

Dining Differently in Barcelona: Top 5 Unusual Restaurants

Dans Le Noir, Dining in the Dark, Barcelona [Photo via Dans Le Noir Facebook Page]

Last Updated: 23/10/2017

Tapas are certainly delicious, and Catalan cuisine definitely makes your taste buds tingle. But if you’re in search of a dining experience that’s a little out of the ordinary on your Barcelona vacation, then you have come to the right guide! Gaudí’s City is home to many restaurants that will have you devouring your dishes in the most unusual of settings, making for a truly memorable experience on your Barcelona trip! From top-secret restaurants to eating in the dark, Barcelona will not disappoint in the world of bizarre dining.



Here we give you our top 5 unusual restaurants in Barcelona:


1.       Put Your Senses to the TestDans Le Noir, Barcelona [Photo via Official Dans Le Noir Website]

Imagine that you’re in a pitch black room that is so dark you can’t even see your own hand in front of your face. Now imagine that you’re attempting to eat a three course meal in this room! At the restaurant Dans Le Noir, this is the exact sensation that you will experience. In this restaurant you are forced to use your senses of taste, touch, sound, and smell to indulge deeply in the exquisite food that is placed in front of you by skilled ‘blind dining’ guides. This gastronomic process will take your taste buds to a whole new level!

How to get there: Located at Passeig de Picasso 10, the restaurant can be reached by taking the metro to the Jaume I (L4) or Arc de Triomf (L5) stops. Reserve your table today at the Dans Le Noir website.

2.       Terrifically Terrifying

La Posada Maldita is the number one dining experience among those who enjoy a good scare. This restaurant is one place in Barcelona where it is Halloween all year long. The wait staff dress in creepy costumes as they serve spooky cocktails and devilish dishes, ensuring that you are on the edge of your seat at all times. This restaurant is certain to make you scream and laugh at the same time and is great for groups in Barcelona.

How to get there: Located at Avinguda de Flor de Maig 57, the restaurant is most easily accessed by car or taxi, although you can reach it by public transportation by taking the Renfe train to the Cerdanyola del Valles stop. For the full menu, check out the La Posada Maldita website.

Tintoreria Dontell [Photo via Official Tintoreria Dontell Website] 3.       Can You Keep A Secret?

Shhhhh! Though the building appears to be your typical dry cleaning service, behind closed doors it’s actually a top-secret restaurant called Tintoreria Dontell. This restaurant even has special lunchtime offers of “shirt, trousers and ties for 20€”. If you’re looking to dine in one of Barcelona’s most hip and trendy restaurants, we mean, “dry cleaners”, be sure to reserve your table today!

How to get there: Located at Carrer d’Aribau 55, to get to this restaurant take the metro to the Hospital Clinic (L5) and Passeig de Gràcia (L2, L3, L4) stops.

4.   Say Cheese!

Cheese Me is a restaurant with a menu based completely on different cheeses from all over the world. The innovative kitchen offers different cheese-based soups, salads, tapas, and cheese trays. Perhaps the best part of their menu is the dessert, which is always a variety of cheesy sweets! The restaurant also offers great plates for the lactose intolerant diners, too!

How to get there: Located at Plaça Jacint Raventós, to get to this restaurant take the metro to the Jaume I (L4) stop. For a detailed menu, don’t forget to browse the Cheese Me website.


5.   Dessert for DinnerEspai Sucre Barcelona [Photo via Official Espai Sucre Website]

Where can you find the first restaurant in the world to serve a menu of only dessert-based foods? Barcelona, of course! Espai Sucre offers a formal dining experience with multiple courses and gives the ultimate dining experience to those with a sweet tooth, with dishes ranging from goat ‘cheesecake’ to lemon soup. For those who wish to try their own hand at creating a delightful dessert dinner, Espai Sucre also offers plenty of courses, teaching skills in everything from making restaurant-style pastries to the applications of chocolate.

How to get there: Located at Carrer de Princesa 53, to get to this restaurant take the metro to the Jaume I (L4) stop. For more information on courses and dishes, check out the Espai Sucre website.


So, if you’re looking to climb out of your comfort zone and enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime dining experience while in Barcelona, head to one of these top restaurants. Whether you want to be scared out of your appetite or try some new flavors, these 5 restaurants are the perfect place to start dining differently in Barcelona!

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