
7 Smart Ways to Make your Apartment Burglar-Proof

7 Smart Ways to Make your Apartment Burglar-Proof

In some cases, apartments can be much safer to live in than houses because they usually have security in place for tenants.

Some even upgraded their doors so that they have smart locks with passcodes. But this doesn’t mean that tenants can’t improve their level of security.

Here are a few smart ways you can make your apartment even more burglar-proof for your safety and comfort.


Lock your windows and doors at all times

Since you’re in an apartment, you won’t have control over the people coming in and out of it.

Other people live in your apartment complex, so you don’t guarantee who the people coming in and out of your complex are. More so, if they have guests over sometimes.

Thus, you should try and get as much privacy and security as possible by locking your windows and doors at all times.

Even if you trust your neighbors, it doesn’t mean you should leave your doors or windows open. Too many successful burglaries happen because people left a window or door open for anyone to come in through without effort.

Thus, always double-check that you closed everything before leaving your apartment.


Safeguard your key

Living in an apartment means that you don’t have a front porch to hide spare keys. But even if you do, that’s still not a good idea.

Instead of thinking up smart ways to safeguard your spare keys, you need to send a person you trust, like family or a friend, a spare key. If you do end up losing your key, you can hit them up and ask them for help.

Although it’s tedious, at least it’s safe for you.


Be a friendly neighbour

When you have a poor relationship with your neighbor, it’s going to make your life in your apartment feel much harder than it should be.

Plus, you want to be able to have a good relationship with your neighbors. That’s because you can’t stop yourself from crossing paths with them.

Being a friendly neighbour will also give you the advantage of having another pair of eyes watching out for your home. If they detect anything suspicious, they can contact the authorities or hit you up and let you know when things are questionable.

Of course, you’ll be able to return the favor to them as well.


Play with the lights

If you’re still looking for a new apartment to move into, remember to consider the lighting situation. You want to identify the potential dark spots in the apartment complex.

Keeping critical areas of your apartment lit through the night can deter criminals from breaking into your unit. 

You should check whether your apartment has any motion-sensor lights as well. Come with a friend at night to check out the apartment when it’s dark out and see how well-lit everything is.


Hide the good stuff

You might not have enough space in your apartment, but if you do, consider investing in something like a safe. That way, you can keep your precious items, like documents or so, and store them there.

Don’t leave anything out in the open for anyone to grab quickly and run away with if it’s of value to you. If you can’t get a safe in your apartment, try and look for intelligent or unlikely areas where you can hide your valuables.

As long as they aren’t anywhere visible and that you know how to get to them, it should be fine.


Dress up your windows

Burglars usually check a unit before they break into it. Doing so helps them figure out your pattern and hotspot that they should target first in your apartment.

Thus, you should dress up your windows so strangers can’t peek into your apartment willy-nilly. If you live in the city and don’t mind an unattractive window, consider getting security bars.

That way, nobody can climb up into your window and go into your apartment.


Install a security system

The best way to make your apartment burglar-proof is by having an actual security system in place.

A security system will give you such peace of mind and a sense of comfort staying in your apartment. If you get every crucial part of a home security system, you can get a camera and an alarm system.

If you have an alarm system, make sure that you remember to do a DSC alarm battery replacement. That way, you don’t experience someone breaking in, and the alarm doesn’t go off.

Of course, the drawback of getting a security system is that it’s expensive. Thus, not everyone might have the privilege of having a security system.

But if you plan on staying in your apartment for a long time, a security system is a must. The cost of installation is well worth the price of not having one, especially when a burglar gets in.

Having all these security measures in place in your apartment provides you peace of mind. With these burglar-proofing methods, you’ll feel a lot safer in your complex. And you’ll be able to live in relative peace there for the foreseeable future.


If you’re thinking of renting your own property in Barcelona, but perhaps you don’t want to spend the time or money investing in security equipment, the best way to stay somewhere that you feel safe and secure is to rent with an established company. AB Apartment Barcelona is a company that manages everything, so that you can concentrate on enjoying your stay, while they take care of the rest for you!

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